They are all over your timeline… So well-packaged… You can’t smell a rat.

You say it’s just probability. Nothing more than random guesses generated by computer sequencing. Well, if think so you may very quit reading this now, else you’ll think this is yet another spiritual miscue from some overzealous bloke.

Disguised as innocuous-looking apps, they predict your temperaments, fears, loyal friends, etc. Some even conjecture up what your dream car, future spouse and children will look like, or recently, what will kill you. The most hilarious ones get all raunchy, telling you the number of sex partners you’ve had. (Oh yeah?)

if i hear.png

I’m gutted as I read your comments: ‘Facebook, how did you know? ‘Hmmm…Uncle Mark no try for me o’. You tag your friends in sheer disbelief or excitement…’ Some ‘spiroco’ brethren actually ‘claim’ these submissions by faith! I feel you!

(Did I just type that?) No way, José! …I DON’T FEEL YOU!

Stop and ponder: On what authority are such assertions made? Someone may argue that some of these predictions turn out true. The million-dollar question is: under whose authority are they made?

In Acts 16:16-18, there was a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. For many days, she followed Paul and co, declaring the OBVIOUS TRUTH: “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” One day, Paul, greatly vexed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour. So you see, those of you tagging me in such posts need laying on of hands!

It is baffling just how many Christians are gullibly patronizing this isomer of sorcery. This madness of name-tests is just what it is: plain social media-enabled divination. You see, issues concerning human destiny are spiritual in nature. Even if an app coincidentally asserts what’s true about you, it don’t have the power to change any such predicted outcome, nay, guide you on the path of actualizing such assertion. Worse, a mere app made by the hands of men lacks spiritual authority over your life! But, of course, you can trade your divine place in creation, with it. It is as easy as clicking.


Anytime you use such apps, it is divining on your behalf and while its developers make money off you. Worse, they tampering with your precious destiny. That is how some protégés of the Devil be deceiving multitudes in some congregations. They accurately call out colour of underwear, name of village, phone numbers, and people get excited and fall into easy-believism.

Okay, Timothy, take a chill pill…

No doubt, Facebook can ACCURATELY inform you about a friendversary or birthday anniversary. That comes as no surprise – over time, you’ve consciously made available such data to the application. However, if Facebook, or any other app designed by man ATTEMPTS at predicting what your future holds, shun it as you would the dreaded Ete-Adiongo-Nkpo’s shrine in Ikot Nakanda!


As I write this, my spirit is vexed, like Apostle Paul’s was. I shudder at the extent to which over-preoccupation with social media has ravaged our relationship with God. There is less time to seek the face of the One who knows us and knows our future (without the minutest fraction of uncertainty). Without realizing it, we are patronizing shrinks, mediums and palm-readers using technology to actualize their evil purposes. Brace up to the truth: nowadays, the woskiest native-doctors are becoming tech-savvy. I wouldn’t be surprised if some toosh sorcerers and shrinks are behind those predictions we proudly publish on our timelines. They know you are too informed to visit their hideous enclaves for consultation. But they also know you are hooked on technology!

Oh, how we have settled for the abominable in place of the good way of the Lord that can only be gotten from devoted study of God’s unchanging Word! Posting, liking, commenting on online divination links is abominable and provokes God’s anger (Lev.20:6; I Sam.28:8,). Many have already pierced themselves with fear and many misfortunes.

See, only God holds the password for our future (Jer. 29:11). His love for us is so genuine. It is even greater than so-called #selflove! So great is God’s love for mankind that He has an exclusive set of good plans for each of us. (Isn’t it amusing that these apps do repeat outcomes for different users, probably due to database limitations?)

God alone is all-knowing!

On his scroll, in a prison cell, Paul the apostle wrote:

beware lest any man

On my keyboard, pleased that you read to the end of this article, I type: ‘beware, lest any app beguile you through empty predictions…’

Author: timundiandeye

Hi, there. I'm Tim, an ardent disciple of good word imagery. I have a passion for evoking right emotions and attitudes through fiction, colours and articulate opinions presented in a non-evasive way. Writing on the arts, enterprise, responsible citizenship and faith is the maximization of who I really am.

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